Effective benefits of body massage that you should know!

 A full-body spa in an ambience of soft music, dim lighting, and a soothing environment is pure heaven. Isn’t it! What most people don't realize is that during a massage, the body goes into full activation phase, even though you're fully relaxed. Brighton Massage activates the nervous system, awakens your muscles, lungs, and glands, circulates blood and lymph fluid, and causes a slew of cells to generate and chemical substances and metabolites.Massage therapy will help the body renew itself and reverse the consequences of trauma/stress in the body.

Brighton Massage

Lesser-known benefits of Brighton Massage

1. Skin Rejuvenation

The gentle exfoliation caused by your massage therapist's hands, combined with the massage lotion and oil, allows new skin cells to develop.

2. Relaxation of the Nervous System

Your immune system goes into ‘rest and digest’ mode when you relax. If you have pain or discomfort in some parts of your body, it's likely that due to strain on nerves triggered by tense muscles and massage will help to alleviate in such cases. Brighton facials as a part of the massage are an added benefit to the body and face.

3. Health Benefits for the Musculoskeletal System

When you contract your muscles, blood and blood fluid are squeezed out, and then when you relax them, new blood enters, providing new nutrients, oxygen, and immune cells. Endurance and range of movement movements can be integrated into the treatment- thispolarizes the joints and puts positive stress on the muscles, tendons, or connective tissue.

4. Increased Blood Supply to Bones

Did you know that your bones get a blood supply and benefit from massage in the same way that your muscles do? Your skeletal system benefits greatly from massage because blood flow carries calcium and other nutrients to your bones to help their strength and function.

5. A Heart is Safe

An entire massage is also beneficial to your heart. Massage causes vasodilation which increases venous return. This as a result increases the blood supply and oxygen delivery to all of the muscles. Your full cardiac muscle relaxes, and your overall circulation improves. The central nervous system's - rest and digest mode is activated. This helps to control heart rate and blood pressure.

6. Breathing Improvements observed 

At the start of the massage, your massage therapist can ask you to take a deep breath. Breathing freely is one of the quickest ways to relieve stress, and your first breath on the yoga mat can turn into a sigh of relief. Breathing is aided by muscles in the ribs, chest, and neck, in regards to the diaphragm.

Brighton facials

 Why Brighton?  

The reason to choose Brighton Pedicure or Brighton Massage or even Brighton facials is because of the uniqueness of the beauty industry and the formulations it offers. The expert therapists are endeavored to offer you ethically correct and positive results for your body and mind. If you want to enjoy the purest form of wellbeing then do get in touch with them.


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